Wednesday, February 23, 2011


well...My original appt was scheduled for the 22nd, due to multipule issues in the drs life yesterday she had to reschedule but very quickly I went in today. Here is our course of action....
The dr agrees that I am not ovulating every month, so I will be on clomid for 5 days during my next cycle...I did a lot of blood work today and will go back in roughly 25 days for more. Bright side...only a 5% chance of having twins on, I would just die!! But one of the downsides to going with the Drs here...I may consider alternatives....the dr informed me I may have to have another c-section! She said its not my only option but because of the reasons I had one in the first I am not going to hold onto that thought entirely..push it to the back of my mind...let me get pregnant first
Oh....My brother in law and his wife are expecting!! I am so excited to be an aunt...she heard the heart beat today!! she is due sept 17th!!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

New ideas

So I really like to cook...a lot. For Christmas I was given a beginners decorators kit from Matts muffin pans from Mom and a Train Cake Pan from Alicia (totally cute!)...for my birthday Matt got me a stand mixer which is great because I am tired of having to turn off my hand mixer to add my ingredients...VERY annoying.
I also like to try new recipes out, tonight I made homemade spaghetti sauce it was pretty meatballs were too plain and I am not sure what I did with those tonight since I have made them several times before.
So I just might start blogging about things that I am trying out too...maybe it will motivate me to actually get up here and blog...I am way behind on TONS of my baby not being a baby, he just does all of these things I wasn't sure he could do....just too smart can't wait for him to start school...
Also, for those of you who are close to me (somewhat lol) know that i have been trying to get pregnant for over a year now, on the 22nd I am going to the OBGYN to talk to someone about it...cross your fingers its nothing major.