Monday, September 13, 2010

our homeschooling

We have been doing homeschooling most of the summer, AJ has done great. We have workbooks that he uses to write letters and numbers (which he doesn't really need anymore) and we do all sorts of crafts and activities. We all go hiking as a family and I use these as opportunities to teach him about different animals and trees and habitats. Tomorrow is going to be a good day, we are doing some writing activities and he is going to be learning about farm animals. And as our crafting activity we will be making a farm scene. Today we had a little break because we cleaned the house, listened to music and played with some toys.
I can't believe that he will be 5 soon, I just cannot come to terms with it. I still remember finding out that I was pregnant with him. I am in need of some ideas to help with his horrible attitude....he can be down right nasty.. oh well more to come soon.