Tuesday, January 13, 2015

wow...its been a while

So its been sometime since I last wrote a blog post. I just don't usually think about it. Obviously the munchkin keeos me busy he is almost 2 now.
Adrian is 9 now, in the 3rd grade and has been making A Honor Roll. He is also doing boyscouts and having a blast! He is advancing quickly in his age rank. He loves his action figures still and for the first time this Christmas asked for a video game. He is also a great big brother and baby brother is his biggest fan!
Wyatt will be 2 next month, growing so fast and learning new words everyday! We will soon be potty training and transitioning from the crib to a toddler bed!! He loves trains and is coloring, not well, and will play with any toy that has wheels. His heart is just fine, and we won't have to see cardiologist again until this summer sometime.
I have really gotten into crocheting, I love making toys mostly, but I do participate in swaps with a group, and will be starting on a blanket next month with yarn my sister bought me! Purples, white and cream! Other than that nothing new going on!