I totally do not keep up with a blog near as much as I should. I do have tons to write about, I just forget that I have a blog. Anywho, this past weekend (Oct 23rd) I had a home show all set up at my house with plans to make it a mystery hostess meaning I would draw a name from people who ordered at the show to see who won all the free hostess jewelry. Needless to say it was a failure and not one single person showed up I had it all set up TONS of food that I baked and had set out Matthew took AJ and then went off to hang out. I was so upset I actually cried a couple of times, but I got over it. I really need to get some business because I need the money really badly, bills are piling up and Matt just really can't do it alone but I love being home with AJ all the time and love we have freedom to go off and I can teach him.
On a more positive note I get to take AJ to the zoo saturday morning for the zooboo with Aleacia and her kids, I am so excited about this seeing as I do not get enough time to see my old friends and that really upsets me as well. I really miss them all some don't bother and then there is Aleacia and Danielle who still are willing to make plans with me and hang out and I just love that seeing as we all have kids now. AJ is just a bit older then their children but he still thinks that they are his best friends and that works out just fine for me.
November 27th we are having a birthday party for AJ at chuck-e-cheese. It was really cute when I asked him who he wanted to invite Charlotte and Lexi were top on his list, only it came out char and wexi and he has some trouble with L sounds. More to come on party later.