Not sure if anyone is really interested in reading a blog about my life, but its nice to have somewhere to put things i would like to remember. I have a son Adrian Hard who was born December 2nd 2005 he is great, a high energy fun loving child who had his bad moments but then he also has his moments where he can just look at you with those bright brown eyes of his and just melt your heart. Really life would not be what it is without him. True I had him young but I would not change it. I am married now to a great guy Matthew Elliott, we met August 29th 2008 and something was just right about it in December 2008 he asked me to marry him and August 22nd 2009 we were married in Chesapeake VA. I gained a brother in law who is about to get married in October to Ashley who is a great friend she also has a son the same age as Adrian. I love my parents so much they have given me a lot in this life and have helped out so much, when I have needed them they are always there. I have 3 sisters Donna who is 23 and in the Air Force she is currently deployed pray for her and all troops deployed to keep this country free. Barbara and Alicia who are both 20 almost 21 yes thats right TWINS. lol, they are as different as can be though, one is girlie and the other a tomboy who now rides a motorcycle and is taking auto mechanics in school. Barb is trying to get into modeling hope it goes well. Now that you know a bit about my family...I'll tell ya a blurb about me. I am 25 went to school for Medical Assisting but am now after 2.5yrs of working in the medical field a stay at home mom who has just started selling Premier Designs Jewelry. I want more children 2 or 3 and really want to home school all of my children.
I will write again soon. Love you Melinda